Our Mission is to transform students as Performers by enhancing their


within 3 Years at Discover College!

The Untold Story of College Education & Industry Expectation


Companies hire for roles and responsibilities. For each role – companies expect an individual to have a Mindset where an individual can perform. But, everyone is Unique and so is their Mindset. Mindset is entirely different from Knowledge, Skills and Intelligence. Professionals who had their mindset matching the mindset required for their professions were able to become Performs and grow faster in their Career compared to others. Don’t fall into the trap of anyone picking any Profession. We invite you to discover your mindset and which professions you must pick and avoid based on your core values.


Companies want to hire Capable People. Students have to build Capabilities when they study in College. Ever wondered – how students can build capabilities? Capabilities come by doing – not just attending traditional lectures. By attending lectures – You get Knowledge. In the Internet Era, Knowledge is available for free in Google and YouTube. Knowing is entirely different from Doing. The reason why many students don’t get hired despite their fancy master’s degrees is because they just have Knowledge but lack Capabilities. At Discover College – We have done enough research on how to build capabilities. Don’t fall into the trap of the traditional Knowledge getting process. Explore how you can build capabilities (not just knowledge) from the Career Strategy Workshop.


When does Courage come for Students? Courage comes automatically when they have Clarity and have Capability to do things. When Students are clear with what they want to do in life, and they have the capabilities to perform tasks – then they just need proven frame works and methodologies to build a Profitable Career. The stepping stone for a Profitable Career is selecting the right first job. But, don’t fall into the trap of taking up any first job and climbing the ladder based on experience. In the digital Era, Experience is getting replaced by Intelligence. Your Career Growth would be good if you work in companies which follow Profitable and Scalable Business Models. If you join other type of companies – your salary will grow like your age. Explore how you can develop Courage and Intelligence from the Career Strategy Workshop.